Providing justice for at-risk victims of financial exploitation through experienced evidence analysis and forensic accounting investigations.


Recognized as a subject matter expert (SME) in elder financial exploitation cases across the Untied States.

Bringing value between different organizations

Working across a multitude of industries to collaborate, communicate and develop multidisciplinary approaches to financial crimes investigations.

Recognized as a WEAAD Warrior. (World Elder Abuse Awareness Day) in 2021 for educating law enforcement how to investigate elder financial exploitation.

National Center on Elder Abuse

Requested by the Wisconsin Department of Justice to travel the state educating Law Enforcement on how to investigate elder financial exploitation.

Wisconsin Department of Justice

Featured on the podcast The Protectors hosted by the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI) in episodes #3 & #27 both on elder financial exploitation and the POWER of a Power of Attorney (POA).

International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI)

Presenter at the Wisconsin Bankers Association annual BSA/AML and Secur IT trainings for multiple years.

Wisconsin Bankers Association