Providing justice for at-risk victims of financial exploitation through experienced evidence analysis and forensic accounting investigations.


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You Have the Power…To SAVE Someone’s Life and Life Savings!

January 15, 2024

As you are contemplating your next adventure to start 2024, I challenge you to spend 5 minutes a day to SAVE someone’s life.  The reality of 10,000 people turning 65 everyday in the USA between now and 2030 should be a reminder that many struggle with social isolation.  As people age, they desire to hold on to their independence and stay safely in their own homes.  This is where YOU come in; you can choose to support your family and friends my making a 5 minute phone call every day. 

  • You can communicate with them, no matter what your physical distance from them.
  • You can listen to their concerns, in the areas of daily living and see if you can help troubleshoot options to make it easier.
  • You can encourage them to participate in future events, senior center lunches, bands in the park, or local school plays/concerts.
  • You can let them know you care, by your daily participation in these 5 minute phone calls.

Social Isolation can have serious mental health implications on older adults and people with disabilities. 

  • 25% of adults aged 65 and older are socially isolated.1
  • 30% of U.S. households or 34.75 million people live in a single person household.2
  • Social isolation was associated with about 50% increased risk of dementia.2
  • Social isolation significantly increased a person’s risk of premature death from all causes, a risk that may rival those of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity.2

Benefits from you choosing to take 5 minutes out of your day and focus them on someone else:

  • Reconnecting with your loved ones.
  • Expanding your friendships.
  • Journaling the joys of connecting of each other to encourage future growth and offering resources.
  • Fending off potential criminals from taking financial advantage of trusting older adults.

Other suggestions and resources for assistance can be found at WI Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness (WCESIL)3 or the National Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness4.

Are you willing to take the challenge to SAVE a life with 5 minutes a day?

Suggestions on how to find 5 minutes today:

  • While enjoying your morning coffee.
  • On Bluetooth while you are commuting to or from work or the gym.
  • While in line at your favorite lunch drive-through.
  • Before you start scrolling on social media during your lunch hour.
  • On speaker phone while folding laundry.
  • Before you turn the TV on for the evening.

Tell me how you are going to find your 5 minutes today!


1 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care System. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions.

3 Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Living.  The Impact of Loneliness and Social Isolation.

4 National Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness.

Card Cracking Scenario

Don’t be Fooled: Easy Money Offered on Social Media is Part of a Fraud Known as “Card Cracking”

December 5, 2023

As a forensic accountant who has investigated, prevented, and helped prosecute financial crimes for 20 years, I have seen a ton of different types of white collar crimes, everything from theft from an unknown individual, organized crime rings and up to financially motivated homicides.  One of the most prevalent financial crime trends in 2023, Card Cracking, is primarily directed toward young adults aged 16 – 30.   

I was recently interviewed by Fox 6 Milwaukee News about Card Cracking.  Here are the steps to avoid falling victim to this type of financial crime: 

  1. NEVER give your banking credentials away to ANYONE for any reason!  Even if they want to give you money, the adage, “if it is too good to be true, it probably is,” should stop you in your tracks.   
  2. NEVER write your PIN on your debit card. 
  3. Keep your card in a safe place. 
  4. Memorize your PIN number. 
  5. If you have been approached by someone to utilize your financial account, even if you did not allow it, you should report it to your financial institution and local law enforcement.   

Criminals are manipulating unsuspecting victims on social media with the guise of “Easy Money” to entice, trick, bribe, or recruit volunteers to take part in this Card Cracking scheme. These criminals are well versed in what they are doing and sometimes involve entire criminal rings of people to manipulate the victim!  They share many believable and relatable stories with people to convince them they just need a little assistance and that it will not take much effort on their part, just their banking credentials.  In the process they not only gain credentials, but they use it to steal significant sums from financial institutions and make the victim complicit in their crime! 

How do you avoid this financial crime? 

Not sure how to get started…. Please share the Card Cracking graphic from the American Bankers Association with your networks so other people do not become victims.